Club Sponsored Projects

Christmas Bird Count
The Christmas Bird Count is currently undertaken in Peterborough and Petroglyphs Provincial Park. It is the longest operating wildlife survey in the region. Historically bird counts have been held in Millbrook, Buckhorn and Woodview. Map available on our resources page.

Bird Feeders at Ecology Park
Three bird feeders are maintained by the PFN and its members along the nature trail in Ecology Park, with lies on the east side of Little Lake in the south eastern section of Beavermead Park. In 2018 the PFN invested funds to create educational signage on site for park visitors.

Petroglyphs Butterfly Count
This annual count of butterflies is part of the continent – wide program coordinated by the North American Butterfly Association. The Petroglyphs count covers a circle with a radius of 24km in the northern part of Peterborough County. The count is traditionally held on the 3rd Saturday in July and has been conducted annually for almost 20 years. Map available on our resources page.

The Orchid Diary
Since the 1940s the Peterborough Field Naturalists have been cataloguing interesting wildlife sightings in the region. The Orchid Diary appears in our monthly bulletin each month. Impact analysis recently published in Journal for Nature Conservation. Report sightings to [email protected]
Past Projects

Dance Butterfly Survey
A weekly survey of the butterflies of the Kawartha Land Trust Dance Property in Selwyn Township following a predetermined protocol. A defined route is walked by volunteers and all of the species and individuals are recorded. Other species of fauna were also recorded.

Chimney Swift Towers
Towers for roosting chimney swifts were maintained and monitored by the Peterborough Field Naturalists.

Miller Creek Wildlife Management Area Trails
Series of trails and nesting boxes were maintained by the PFN and its members in the Miller Creek Wildlife Management Area southeast of Bridgenorth. The trails lead to a viewing tower which provides a lookout over and extensive cattail march.
Other Initiatives

eBird is run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and relies on sightings by citizen scientists worldwide. Peterborough area is likely one of the most active areas in the province for eBird with sightings submitted nearly hourly.

Bird Studies Canada Volunteer Projects
Wide range of provincial, national and international projects. Consult BSC web-site for details

Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas
The Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas is a five year project which documents and maps the breeding range of Ontario birds. The first atlas was covered the period 1981 to 1985 and the second atlas the period 2001 to 2005. Data collection for the 3rd atlas has commenced and will cover the years 2021 to 2025. For information on how to participate and review results go to

Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas
A survey of the reptiles and amphibians of Ontario. Sightings can be reported online, on your smartphone or by mail. Program was discontinued in 2019.

Natural Heritage Information Centre
The NHIC documents the status of plants and animals in the Province of Ontario. The NHIC web-site has a host of information.

iNaturalist Projects
The Peterborough Field Naturalists have started several iNaturalist monitoring projects in Peterborough and area. Join today and submit your sightings.