Wave Riders of Rice Lake – Members Only

Join Martin Parker for this traditional late November afternoon exploration of sites along the northwestern shore of Rice Lake. We will be looking for the later migrating ducks and other…

PFN Meeting: Slideshow Night

It's getting close to that time of the year again! Our second, onlinemembers slideshow night builds on a long and enjoyable annual PFN tradition and we're looking for presenters. This…

The Miniature World of Lichens – Members Only

For such fascinating and beautiful organisms, lichens are incredibly overlooked. Most mature trees right outside your door will have several species on the bark. Try taking a photo with your…

Peterborough Christmas Bird Count

Sunday, December 19 – all day The Peterborough Christmas Bird Count (CBC), now in its 70th year, is the longest-running wildlife survey in Peterborough County. The Peterborough CBC participants cover an area contained…

PFN Monthly Meeting: ALUS Peterborough

Farmers provide so much for our communities; from food and fiber to equipment, experience, and knowledge, the list goes on. As natural stewards, farmers also have a strong relationship with…

PFN Monthly Meeting: Keeping Kawartha Wild

In this presentation, Prof. Thom Luloff will highlight current work being done at Kawartha Wildlife Centre, and other groups to help wildlife in need in Peterborough and the Kawarthas. The…

Name That Tree! – Members Only

Join Trent University environmental students Joel, Sam, Dawson and Jennifer on a walk at the Fleming College trails! Bundle up and enjoy the stark winter beauty of the forest, while…

Returning Waterfowl on the Otonabee – Members Only

With the increasing sunlight hours in March, the spring migration is underway. This afternoon trip will visit various locations along the Otonabee River between Peterborough and Lakefield to discover the returning waterfowl and other early spring migrants. At this time of the year, the number and variety of waterfowl on the river changes daily. Details…

Gathering of Waterfowl at Presqu’ile – Members Only

For decades, the PFN has conducted a late March or early April outing to Presqu’ile Provincial Park to view the concentrations of waterfowl which gather on the waters of Presqu’ile Bay. This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of Presqu’ile Provincial Park. On previous trips, thousands of waterfowl have been observed consisting of fifteen or more species of…