Frog calls along Jackson Park Trail

Come enjoy a spring evening with your whole family. We'll learn about the frogs that live in wetlands along the Jackson Park trail and how to recognize their calls. Please…


De-pave paradise at Millennium Park

On Saturday June 1, the PFN is joining Green Communities Canada and Peterborough GreenUP at one of the largest Depave Paradise projects in Canada. Last fall, volunteers and partners helped…


PFN Juniors: BioBlitz at Kawartha Heights Park (SW Ptbo)

Kawartha Heights Park 2229 Kawartha Heights Blvd, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Let’s identify all kinds of plants and animals – it’s active exploration and learning.  We’ll wander through the park and learn how to use field guides and iNaturalist to identify and…

Pollinator garden with Otonabee Conservation

Junior Naturalist families are invited to plant a pollinator garden at Otonabee Region Conservation Authority's office (250 Milroy Dr. Peterborough). ORCA staff will teach us about local pollinators, their behaviours…

PFN Juniors: let’s do nature art (wood pendants)

The Peterborough Junior Naturalists are teaming up with the Art Gallery of Peterborough for a nature art event. The Art Gallery of Peterborough has "Family Sundays", where families can come for free to visit the gallery and make some art.  For this Family Sunday, we'll be decorating wood pendants with pressed flowers and leaves.  Make…

PFN Juniors: “Christmas” Bird Count (postponed date after Dec cancellation)

UPDATE: This event was originally scheduled for December 14, but it was postponed due to freezing rain.  So this February "Christmas" bird count has a very lenient definition of Christmas. :) Learn how to look for birds! Snacks, prizes, and special entertainment. Outdoor hike to count birds (dress warmly) followed by indoor activities. RSVP (below) and…
