Butterflies Along the Lang-Hastings Trail – Members Only
This outing is an introduction to butterfly watching along asection of the Lang-Hastings trail. The focus will be onlearning how to distinguish between the different speciespresent in early July. Join outing leaders Colleen Lynch andDon McLeod for this enjoyable learning event. Bring binoculars, camera and insect repellent and dress for the weather forecast of the…
Bats in Jackson Park – Members Only
Enjoy a night walk with Paul Elliott looking for some of our local bats feeding on the wing in Jackson Park. We will use ultrasonic bat detectors to listen to…
Hazel Bird Nature Reserve – Members Only
Historically, the Rice Lake Plains were covered with tallgrass prairies and oak savannah. Dominated by massiveblack and white oak, grasses like big bluestem, Indiangrass and switchgrass grew more than two…
A Step Back in Time -Members Only
Mark S Burnham Provincial Park is an old growth forest on ourdoorstep. Please join us for a nature hike focused on Tree IDand reading the forested landscape. Trent University students,Kaylen…
PFN Monthly Meeting: The Impact of Climate Change on Nature in the Kawarthas- Members Only
In this talk on how global heating is already impacting floraand fauna in the Kawarthas, Drew Monkman will also look atcurrent and projected changes in temperature, precipitation andextreme weather, the…
The Hidden Birding Trail
Walking the path along the south drumlin at Trent University is often very productive for sighting birds, especially during migration. Chris Risley knows the area well and will help participants…
Early Fall in the Cavan Hills
Enjoy a hike along rail and ATV trails in the rolling hills southwest of Peterborough. Participants will meet at the home of Lynn & Larry Smith on Tapley 1⁄4 Line in…
Fabulous Fungi – Members Only
Fungi come in an incredible variety of different sizes, shapes,and colours. One of the best places to find them is in an oldgrowth forest and Mark S. Burnham Provincial Park…
Ballyduff Trails – Members Only
Don McLeod will lead a fall colours nature walk along the Ballyduff Trails near Bethany. This will be a joint outing between Peterborough Field Naturalists (PFN) and Willow Beach Field…
EVENT FULL – Fabulous Fungi – Members Only
Fungi come in an incredible variety of different sizes, shapes,and colours. One of the best places to find them is in an oldgrowth forest and Mark S. Burnham Provincial Park…