Frog calls along Jackson Park Trail

Come enjoy a spring evening with your whole family. We'll learn about the frogs that live in wetlands along the Jackson Park trail and how to recognize their calls. Please…


De-pave paradise at Millennium Park

On Saturday June 1, the PFN is joining Green Communities Canada and Peterborough GreenUP at one of the largest Depave Paradise projects in Canada. Last fall, volunteers and partners helped…


Sounds of Spring

The evening air of spring carries the mating songs of various species of frogs and the sky dance of the American Woodcock (a.k.a. Timber-doodle). On this two-hour evening walk, we…

Spring Ephemerals and the Sprint Against Time

Early spring is the time of ephemerals, the wildflowers which take first advantage of the warming soil and full sun to push through the previous year’s leaf litter towards the…